Can Sagging Roofs Be Fixed?

A sagging roof is a common problem among old roofs and can be identified by a noticeably bowed roofline. In this blog, roofing contractor M & A Roof Home Improvement takes an in-depth look at what causes roofs to sag and what can be done to fix it.

The Causes of Sagging Roofs

A properly-built roofing structure should be able to support the weight of the roof, with enough headroom to support external loads such as heavy rainfall and high winds. Switching to a heavier material like tile or slate, dramatically increases the weight of the roof. Re-covering the roof, which involves installing a new roof without removing the old one, can have the same effect.

If the roofing structure isn’t properly reinforced, it will start bowing from the pressure. This is particularly noticeable in residential roofing systems. Other factors that may contribute to a sagging roof are: use of inferior materials, advanced age, trapped heat, moisture in the attic and problems with the foundation. The latter is usually accompanied by cracks on the exterior walls and uneven support posts.

How to Fix Sagging Roofs

In most cases, sagging roofs can be fixed without stripping off the existing roof. Repairs may be conducted and additional support components may be installed to bolster the existing roof structure. Roof insulation may be removed and replaced during installation. However, if the roof is well beyond its life span, or if extensive heat and damage has occurred, then roof replacement would be a more practical option. Make sure the roofing contractor is building the new roof with enough support in case of future changes.

If the sagging roof is caused by house foundation issues, then you need a house foundations specialist to assess the condition. The existing foundations may have to be bolstered using bell bottom piers or similar foundation repair methods. Your gutters and downspouts may also require repairs or corrections if it’s found to contribute to the foundation damage. 

M & A Roof Home Improvement is your leading provider of roof repair and installation services. Give us a call at (757) 942-2700 or fill out our contact form. We serve customers in Virginia Beach, VA, and surrounding areas.