Apart from the qualifications of a prospective roofing contractor, a roof’s efficiency and functionality are also important for homeowners to consider. The color of asphalt shingles can have an effect on their performance. That’s why you should take time to weigh your options before selecting an asphalt shingle color.

In this post, M&A Exterior Home Improvement shares tips on choosing between dark and light asphalt shingles.
Dark-Colored Shingles
Dark-colored residential roofing tends to absorb more heat, so it can possibly help raise the temperature in your home. This is useful for keeping your living areas warm during winter. That said, dark shingles are preferable in colder regions with short summers and lengthy winters. Another benefit of dark shingles is that they aid in melting snow.
Light-Colored Shingles
Professionals typically recommend light shingle colors for homes located in warm climates. This is because a light-colored roof reflects the sun’s heat more effectively — which means your air conditioning system will not work as hard to keep you comfortable even during the hottest days. This can save you money on your utility costs.
Nevertheless, if you’re looking for a roof that can add a powerful and dramatic appeal to your property, dark shingles would be an ideal choice. If you prefer a warm, welcoming atmosphere for home’s exterior, softer and lighter tones would be more suitable.
Whether you choose dark or light shingles, make sure your roofing materials are made with superior quality and durability. Keep in mind that the quality of your shingles can significantly impact the efficiency and longevity of your roof. Furthermore, make sure to hire a skilled roofer who will install your new shingles correctly.
Are you looking for a reputable contractor to handle your roof repair or replacement around Norfolk or Virginia Beach, VA? M&A Exterior Home Improvement has you covered! We also provide affordable financing options and a one-year labor warranty. Call (757) 779-5244 or fill out our online form to schedule your consultation.