How to Combat Air Leakage In and Around Your Roof

When it comes to roof leakage, air infiltration deserves as much as water intrusion. The former may not cause structural damage immediately, but it can compromise the integrity of building materials all the same. Air leakage allows the entry of moisture into your home, which can affect the efficiency of your insulation. In turn, the rate of heat transfer in the attic will increase, wasting your energy.

Any roofing contractor knows that air leakage should be addressed with a sense of urgency. M and A Exterior Home Improvement talks about effective ways to combat it:

Being Mindful of Roofing Materials

First of all, the right roofing components factor in air-leakage prevention. Using the right materials matters since not all are good at tightening up gaps. Employing self-adhering membranes is common practice to make decking boards airtight, especially their tricky spots.

Many properties have vapor retarders to slow the diffusion of moisture into the insulation. Not all experts are a fan of them, though. Detractors say that insulation materials can tolerate water and dry out on their own before the wetting cycle begins again. M and A Exterior Home Improvement knows that vapor retarders might make it more challenging to identify breaks in the residential roofing system.

Sealing Penetrations and Valleys Properly

Penetrations and valleys are the usual sources of air leakage. It goes without saying that they must be sealed tightly to resist the elements. The problem is that many dishonest roofers cut corners and recycle old flashings to increase their profit. Also, closed valleys are aesthetically pleasing, but they can increase the chances of leakage because they’re prone to debris build-up.

Scheduling Regular Inspections

To set up a roof repair in a timely manner, observe preventive maintenance. Get your roofing system professionally inspected every once in a while to discover signs of damage early. It helps to carry out cursory evaluation yourself, but experts use sophisticated tools to spot high-moisture areas, which can be indicative of air leaks. Besides, there’s a new ASTM test method to prevent air leakage in and around the roof, which experienced home-improvement professionals are aware of.

Let M and A Exterior Home Improvement make sure your roof is completely intact to prevent moisture damage, energy waste and even indoor pollution. Call us at (757) 942-2700 now to discuss your roofing needs and get a free estimate in Williamsburg, VA.