When Does Roof Replacement Make More Sense Than Repairs?

If you have a roofing problem, your first course of action is getting it fixed. However, a roof can be repaired only so many times, and will eventually reach the point where a roof install is a more practical solution. In today’s post, M & A Roof Home Improvement discusses the conditions that make roof replacement more practical than repairs. 

Your Roof Is Approaching the End of Its Service Life

All roofs are expected to last a certain number of years. A standard asphalt shingle roof, for instance, has an expected service life of about 20 years. As your roof approaches the end of its service life, signs of wear become more pronounced. The outer layer can become eroded, shingles may start curling, and components such as flashing may become corroded or get detached from their fasteners. It is possible to get a few more years out of a well-maintained roof, but a replacement will always be a matter of when not if.

Your Roof Framing Has Structural Issues

Trusses or rafters are parts of the roof’s framing. Think of it as the roof’s bones — no matter the quality of the decking and shingles, you can’t expect the roof to last if it has structural issues. A roofing and siding contractor will likely recommend replacement as a long-term solution instead of installing reinforcements.

Structural issues can be caused by one or more of the following: poor roofing design, poor workmanship, and substituting low-quality materials. These can be prevented by carefully choosing your roofing contractor. Conditions that may be outside your control, like uneven settling of the house foundations, may also affect the roofing structure.

Your Roof Has Too Many Holes

Individual holes in the roof can be patched and individual shingles can be replaced. However, if the holes are widespread across the roof, patching all of them would blow up your repair budget and the results wouldn’t be visually pleasing. Getting a new roof may actually save you money — it may even make you eligible for discounts on your insurance premiums.

M & A Roof Home Improvement is your leading provider of home exterior services, including gutter cleaning. Give us a call at (757) 210-9677. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve customers in Norfolk and Williamsburg, VA, as well as the surrounding communities.